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Can Studio Monitors Be Used As Speakers?

Choosing and setting up the best studio monitors, to listen to the favorite music, correctly in your mixing environment is one of the most important elements in making mixes that will translate well into any speaker.

Just about everyone who’s ever mixed a record has felt the disappointment of having a mix that sounds great in their mixing environment through the speakers, only to place it on their car stereo and wonder in doubt, “Oh! Where went the guitar lead?” The possible culprit is either the recording speakers because they set up in the studio themselves.

We have put this brief guide together to help you in studio monitors be used as speakers for your budget.

The speakers you track your mix on are the most important part of your studio, next to your ears. Investing in a pair of high quality studio monitors can make mixing smoother and less tired, and help you become a better engineer. Fortunately, every budget can have reasonable monitoring system.

High-quality studio monitors reliably replicate frequencies around the audio spectrum like any well-designed speaker.

studio monitor

The difference between studio monitor vs speakers is that the studio monitors are designed to mimic the smoothest possible frequency response.

Why is it so important to have a flat frequency response speaker?

It’s like trying to drive a car with a really dirty windshield, mixing on speakers that don’t have an exact frequency response.

Colors will get the wrong color, specifics will not be apparent in the landscape, and blind spots will be over-exaggerated.

In the past, many inexpensive reference speakers were built to make music more pleasant to listen to, which meant that certain frequencies were boosted or cut for a more flattering aesthetic outcome.

studio monitorThe good news is that there are now a number of inexpensive studio monitors providing a flat frequency response.

Your mixing setting is the first major concern when choosing the studio monitors. Unfortunately, this cannot be easily reversed for many project-studio owners.

After you have measured your listening climate, go to your nearest music store and listen to some speakers.

Be sure to take along a thorough assortment of well-mixed recordings you’re familiar with and that represent the kind of music you’re going to mix on your new studio monitor system.

Keep in mind that MP3s on higher-fidelity speakers can sound fragile and harsh, so don’t use compressed files.

You should always note that in a music store the listening experience isn’t always ideal. If you think that may be the case, renting two or three of the possible candidates and taking each pair of speakers for a test drive in your mix space before buying your final range could be a smart idea.


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